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Ayurveda is an ancient Indian system of health care. The word is of Sanskrit origin: "ayur" means life and "veda" means knowledge. This explains the meaning of Ayurveda - a science not just of health, but a science of life itself. The principles of Ayurveda are aimed at preserving lifehealthy habits and therapy not only of the body, but also of the psyche, relationships and spirit. It is the oldest healing system in the world. Through lifestyle and nutrition, it aims to bring about catharsis and purification of the entire organism.
Nowadays, the so-called " Ayurveda " is spreading as a form of alternative medicine. This practice was started by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, and Deepak Chopra did the most to spread it. Nutrition is an essential and invariable part of Ayurveda, and the idea is that if you eat right, then you won't need any medicine. Conversely, if you harm yourself with the food you eat, no medicine can help it.

According to Ayurveda , the most valuable is the natural energy contained in food, called "prana". At the heart of Ayurvedic nutrition is the understanding that each person is different and belongs to one or more of the constitutional types - "doshis". The doshas can be described as three types of energy: kapha (water and earth), pitta (fire and water), and vata (air and space). All three doshas (energies) are present in each of us, but in a specific combination that is determined at conception and is impossible to change. Health care according to Ayurveda is aimed at maintaining the relationship between the doshas characteristic of a person.

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